I can't find my username or password!

I don't have a username/password yet or I can't find it!

You should receive two (2) emails after purchasing. One of those emails will confirm your order and detail your purchase. The other is a welcome email and will contain your access information as well as some other useful details. Please check your spam/junk folder as well- they might have ended up there!

I can't find any emails from you!

If you've already checked your inbox AND spam/junk folders, and still can't find anything from us, it's likely that something was entered incorrectly at checkout, or that your email service has filtered them out entirely. Please contact us HERE and we will be able to get you going!

I found the email with my login information! What next?

Please use those credentials to log in at https://members.sveltetraining.com/login/

We recommend bookmarking this link so you can access it quickly and easily (:

If you're unsure of how to navigate your dashboard, please watch THIS video!

When you access your dashboard you can download the program. Under each manual and video, you will see a download button! This will allow you to access the materials quickly and without internet access.

What else was in the welcome email?

The welcome email provides some guidance for accessing everything on the dashboard. Specifically, please make sure to watch the welcome video that you'll see immediately upon logging into your dashboard. Also, make sure to read any introductory materials that you come across in your chosen program. These will be SUPER helpful in making your journey a smooth one! There is also a 'Dashboard Walkthrough' video at the bottom of the page after you log in. 

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