Green Smoothie Detox

How does it work?

Each day you will have 1 smoothie recipe that will be enough for 3-4 smoothies depending on how much water you decide to add. Make the assigned smoothie in the morning and divide it into 3-4 servings, refrigerating the remaining portions. You do not have to drink your portioned smoothie all at once. Instead, if you prefer, you can sip on them throughout the day. 

Can I have anything else during the detox?

In addition to the smoothies, you can consume an unlimited amount of: 

  • Raw or steamed veggies 
  • Green apples 

You can also include 1-2 of the following during each day: 

  • 1 hard-boiled egg 
  • ¼ cup raw unsalted almonds
  • ¼ cup raw unsalted sunflower seeds

What happens after I finish the detox?

Do not repeat the detox immediately after you complete it. Instead, you can choose to continue onto another meal plan or implement a healthy diet of your own!

I can't find the Green Smoothie Detox!

The Green Smoothie Detox can be found on the first page of your dashboard when you log in! The link will look like this:

Having trouble finding it? Check out THIS video!  

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