What is the Accelerated Body Transformation Club?

0 (like Netflix). You can cancel your subscription by entering your email address (you used when you placed your order) on this link >>CLICK HERE

Please contact us HERE if you have any questions or would like to take advantage of the one-time payment plan.

Do I need to have One and Done or MetaBoost to take part in this program?

Yes! MetaBoost and One and Done each have their own unique Accelerated Body Transformation Clubs.

If I cancel this subscription after my free trial, do I lose access to One Minute Abs?

Yes. However, One Minute Abs is also available for purchase on your dashboard if you wish to utilize it!

If I choose not to sign up for the free trial at checkout, can I sign up later?

Yes! You can sign up for the membership at $49/month on your dashboard. Just be sure to sign up for the Accelerated Body Transformation Club for your selected program (One and Done or MetaBoost). If you would wish to sign up for the membership for a one-time payment, please contact us HERE!

How do I know which Accelerated Body Transformation Club link to click on?

There are separate Accelerated Body Transformation Clubs for One and Done and MetaBoost. These clubs have separate Facebook groups, and have access to unique guides and information that are helpful for the related program! If you signed up for the 7-day free trial during checkout, you are automatically placed into the correct group. You will only have access to the club that is relevant to your chosen program.

For One and Done member with a Svelte Life Series subscription, feel free to join on this link >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/Sveltelife/
For MetaBoost Connection member with Accelerated Body Transformation Club subscription, feel free to join on this link >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/MBC.ABTC/

If you want to sign up from your dashboard, please choose the link next to your selected program! The links will look like this:

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